Have you ever felt like your marriage is just not what it sue to be when you first met? Maybe you don't kiss as much or have fun like you use to, or maybe you aren't even as intimate as you once were.

You see we get so focused on the kids, on homeschooling, and homemaking that we neglect our men. We forget to be that sassy cute sexy beautiful fun flirty woman they feel in love with. Heck, our days are now filled with cleaning, laundry, and training children.
Well I'm here to reveal to you 3 ways that you can be SEXY, FLIRTY, and FUN with your man, and bring back the spark you are lacking,
It always surprises me how many women especially Christian women are so reluctant to be sexy for their husbands. Goodness, they get so prude and are afraid to even talk about it. It really is okay to be sexy for your husband the marriage bed is pure and undefiled. Now, sexy will be different for each woman and each marriage, a wife should explore and ask her husband what he likes. You will find that you will enjoy being sexy for your man.
Its okay to flirt with your husband and do it often. It makes a happy marriage its awesome to see my children giggle with delight as I pat my husbands bottom or when he throws me back for a kiss. They enjoy watching their mamma and daddy flirt and dance in the living room and just be in love.
Stop being such a snob and prude and FUN KILLER with your man. Grab some nerf guns and be his best playing partner, throw water balloons, chase him wrestle with him. BE HIS BUDDY his friend and WIN HIS HEART DAILY. Have fun!
I hope these 3 Tips help you to bring back some spark and spunk in your marriage and always remember that a good and happy marriage always begins with you !!!!!!!!
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